Orvostechnikai Szövetség



Forrás: abouthungary.hu, 1 July 2022
László Palkovics outlined the government’s healthcare goals for the new parliament at a Semmelweis Day celebration at the ZalaZONe Test Track Conference Center in Zalaegerszeg on Thursday.

The minister of technology and industry pledged more resources for all areas of healthcare, adding that more than four times the figure spent on wages in healthcare back in 2010 will be spent on wages next year.

Speaking at the Semmelweis day event, the day when healthcare professionals are celebrated in Hungary, Palkovics said that a sustainable, modern, and competitive economy can only be achieved with a first-class healthcare system capable of meeting the expectations of the 21st century.

“The government is committed to achieving qualitative changes in the healthcare system by increasing patient safety,” the minister added.